Chaos (Allyson Grey) #9/33

A field of Chaos is attracted in unison toward a central endpoint. Chaos is Order plus Entropy. Spectrally arranged squares fall apart with an unpredictability anticipated within every system of the physical world.
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Initial Price : 1.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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Some things are unexplainable. Like the time in 2016 when a new language started to flow through my hands. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but with in days I had become fluent. The love script now permeates my work. Many can feel it's healing energy and others love the way it flows. I have had an amazing time creating these past 20 years or so and Starlight Ultra is the culmination of many of my styles. Feminine energy at it's finest. I love this stuff!
Dreaming at Dusk
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The Machine of Real Madrid
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The Harvest
An anthropomorphic figure stands, wide eyed, staring at the viewer; its body masculine, muscular, and humanoid. Its “mind” dissociates into a conglomerate of structures resembling feathers, grain, teeth–as well as a radial flower “node”, casting linear rays throughout the composition. To his left, a vat of bodies gesture and writhe in a kind of amniotic soup, attended by a video game robot. The bot's red display reads “uWu”. Behind the robot and filling the left side of the composition is an archaic figure composed of a variety of vintage objects and symbols. Among them are a hardbound book with ancient cuneiform scripts, indicating barley, beer, bread, ox, house, and sky, behind which is a grimacing, salivating jagged toothed maw; and an old Commodore floppy drive. The figure’s head tilts toward an illuminated crescent moon, suggesting the Egyptian Sacred Bull. The archaic figure is composed of a variety of mutating cells, which shift in color, and pattern; eventually breaking free into an ephemeral broadcast of bubbles which move across the background. The work came into being against a psychological introspection, which included associations to pop culture such as alien abduction and pod people, as well as quite a bit of reflection on grains as a symbol of civilization, agriculture, sustenance, life, and imbibing (mainly whiskies).
Cosmic Chess
Cosmic Chess is a playable artwork that will evolve in time as the game progresses. This piece utilizes a special Layer Changer tool that lets owners move their pieces just like they would a regular chess game! To see the current state of the board you can view the tool here: