16/03/2022 Digital art company claims it is owed millions from NFT sales in lawsuit against artist

DigiArt is suing artist Danny Casale, also known as Coolman Coffeedan, for allegedly producing more than 10,000 NFTs in breach of their contract

Artist Danny Casale, also known as Coolman Coffeedan Courtesy the artist, The Art Plug

Artist Danny Casale, also known as Coolman CoffeedanCourtesy the artist, The Art Plug

Artist Danny Casale, who often operates under the pseudonymCoolman Coffeedan, is being sued by the Florida-based company DigiArt, which claims that Casale has repeatedly breached an agreement he and the company entered into that ā€œexpressly gave DigiART the exclusive right to market and offer for sale all non-fungible tokensā€ (NFTs) and in which all proceeds were to be split between the parties evenly, according tothe legal complaint. According to sales listed in the complaint, this amounts to millions of dollars owed to the company, which the artist had hired ā€œto take steps to promote Casaleā€™s digital and physical art and raise his public profile and exposure to an international art collector baseā€.

The agreement, which was signed in May of 2021 and expires in May 2022, details the ways in which DigiArt, along with the digital art dealer Marcel Katz, were enlisted to help drive sales of Casaleā€™s work, and the complaint notes that their public relations efforts included ā€œCasaleā€™s official debut at Miami Art Weekā€, for which Katz organised a pop-up show calledUr Special Coffeeat a bagel shop in Miami that for one daysold paper cups of coffee for $1,000on which Casale had drawn.

The complaint details a number of works that Casale ā€œbegan marketing and offering for sale onlineā€, allegedly in breach of the agreement, including a collection he refers to asCoolman's Universethat contains more than 10,000 NFTs. According to the complaint, theCoolman Universecollection sold for $3.6m on the NFT platform Metalink, and ā€œhas now generated a secondary trading volume of over 18,000 Ethereum, or over $50 million on OpenSea, with a 5.6% royalty to Casale on all secondary trading, which converts to over $3 million in royalties for secondary trading aloneā€. TheOpenSea listingfor theCoolman's UniverseNFTs puts the value of trading of Casale's series, as of this writing, at around ETH20,800 ($53.4m). If the complaintā€™s allegations are true, and if these sales figures are accurate, that alone would represent millions of unpaid dollars due to DigiArt.

Casale allegedly claims that an agreement was never reached, as the complaint states that he argued that there was never a ā€œmeeting of the mindsā€ between him and DigiArt, and that the lawsuit was brought about solely because ā€œsuccess breeds litigationā€. A spokesperson for Casale toldThe Art Newspaperthat ā€œthis lawsuit is completely meritless and it will not impactCoolman's Universeā€.



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