07/07/2022 That NFT console's problems run deeper than a plagiarized logo

Polium One NFT console
(Image credit: Polium)

If you're into crypto, the Polium One NFT console might sound like an enticing proposition. For everyone else, it's comedy gold.

Polium One's developers have proposed the console as a portal for 'Web3' gaming. Such games typically fall under the 'play-to-earn' banner. That is, earning cryptocurrency through play.

Given the controversy surrounding Web3 projects and NFTs in general – largely due to the costly environmental impact and penchant for 'rugpull' scams, it's something that modern flagships likePS5andXbox Series Xhave smartly avoided.

Polium has been pretty active on Twitter, where it's garnering exactly the wrong kind of attention. Almost every post the developer has made has been met with overwhelmingly negative feedback. But why is that?


The Polium One NFT console initially drew attention to itself with a rather familiar-looking logo. Meant to resemble a cubic 'P,' Twitter users were extremely quick to point out that Polium's imagery bore a striking resemblance to the iconic Nintendo Gamecube logo.

Polium has since changed its logo in response to the backlash. But to be honest, 'changed' is being used very generously there, as it's more of a slight alteration that still can't shake its Gamecube roots.

Polium One NFT console logo that's barely changed at all

(Image credit: Polium)

But a plagiarized logo is probably the least offensive thing about the Polium One NFT console. After all, what good is a console if there are no games to play on it? Here lie the first signs that the Polium One should be approached with extreme caution.

On the topic of games, Polium has been adamant on Twitter that the console "will have games and exclusive games." Whenever a user has asked about which games we can expect to launch on Polium One, the brand gives a vague answer that it's "currently in talks" with various Web3 game developers.

So far, we have a console announced with no games attached to it, then. But it gets worse. Polium has also claimed the console will be able to run games at 8K resolution, and up to 120fps with ray-tracing enabled. Sorry, but no. Even the most monstrous PC rigs will have a tough time pulling that off.

Not only are thebest 8K TVson the market right now fiendishly expensive, but it would also mean the Polium One is vastly more powerful than the PS5 and Xbox Series X. And given that the console's renders appear to be roughly the same size as an adult human's hand, I doubt this is the case.


Finally, I have to touch on the reason the Polium One exists (or theoretically exists) in the first place. NFTs and crypto. As you'd expect from this kind of project, one can't simply pre-order a Polium One with good ol' hard-earned cash. Nope.

Instead, you'll need to buy a Polium Pass to be allowed to pre-order the console. The Polium Pass is, you guessed it, an NFT. One that has to be purchased through the Ethereum network. Sigh.

On top of that, only 10,000 of these NFTs have been minted. That seems to run counter to Polium's mission statement of bringing Web3 gaming to mainstream audiences. On the contrary, it's clear that the Polium One has no mass-market appeal whatsoever. That should immediately raise a red flag for anyone even remotely interested in the project.

It's also worth noting that so far, Polium hasn't revealed technical specs for the console. It also claims it won't have a working prototype until around November of this year.

The cynic in me is thinking that's plenty of time for Polium to rack up those NFT pre-orders and scarper. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be atypical for NFT-based projects such as this.

Rhys is Hardware Writer for TechRadar Gaming, and while relatively fresh to the role, he's been writing in a professional capacity for years. A Media, Writing and Production graduate, Rhys has prior experience creating written content for app developers, IT firms, toy sellers and the main TechRadar site. His true passions, though, lie in video games, TV, audio and home entertainment. When Rhys isn't on the clock, you'll usually find him logged into Final Fantasy 14, Halo Infinite or Sea of Thieves.


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