FACES #139/4934

Presenting the last open editions SSX3LAU will ever mint. Slimesunday and 3LAU team up once again under their alias SSX3LAU for their triumphant return to Nifty Gateway for their first exploration of color and their last open editions ever! The Iridescent collection consists of 4 audio / visual pieces combining unreleased music from 3LAU and Slimesunday's mesmerizing animation.
Website: Visit
Initial Price : 333.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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The dirty cape
Personal project
Tile [20, 5] - Bring It to Me
20 5
Gangnam Wanted Poster #5/25
3L-84574RD, One of the most dangerous robot in Cryptovoxel, last seen in Gangnam near the Rose Nexus. Reward 99000credits battery full or empty. Help us find him, share this!
EYE-ROLLA #16/25
trump 2020
This is a photo i took of my son playing around in one of our cat carriers, redressed to express the concern and damage the continuation of the trump administration could bring to the world in 2020 and beyond. Unlike the majority of my historic work found on opensea, all content was conceived and taken by me, so felt perfect to use as my first piece on Known Origin.
Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated)
Title: Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated) Artist: iHeart Edition: One of one, unique. Medium: mp4 This unique variation, "Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated)” is part of an exclusive NFT release on KnowOrigin. in collaboration with Art Rapture. This variation is part of the Genesis NFT Drop of iHeart's iconic work, "Nobody Likes Me." DETAILS: The iconic, "Nobody Likes Me" street art piece by urban legend, iHeart has garnered the hearts, eyes and minds of art fans since 2014. In collaboration with Art Rapture and KnownOrigin., iHeart is dropping his first ever NFT release of several variations of his tour de force image, "Nobody Likes Me." In 2014, this captivating stencil mural, created in Stanley Park, Vancouver, earned iHeart a massive following and ultimately took down the second place price for most popular street art piece in the world (Street Art News article below). To truly understand the scope and reach of this iconic art piece, that symbolizes the impact of social media on our lives every single day, all you need to do is Google, "Nobody Like Me iHeart street art" and see the results. This release of "Nobody Likes Me" NFTs has a variety of 2D still & 2D animated versions ready for collectors to consume all around the world! Happy collecting! iHeart instagram: www.instagram.com/ihatestencils Street Art News article: https://streetartnews.net/2014/12/the-25-most-popular-street-art-pieces.html Huffington Post article: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/sunny-lenarduzzi/vancouver-street-artist-banksy-iheart_b_4953880.html #loveyourcollection #evolveyourcollection