Frank's Papaya

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This work is a very personal piece and at the same time quintessentially New York. Let me share with you the story behind "Frank's Papaya." I've decided to write this description more stream of conscious, almost like a journal entry, or a casual conversation. Sit back and take a ride in my mind.

Some of the earliest memories in my entire life are of going to Gray's Papaya on 72nd and Broadway in New York City. I would go with my Mom and my Dad separately and don't think I was ever there with them at the same time. They were no longer together but they knew how much I enjoyed getting dogs.

The place is a visual overload with all the colors, especially the hanging paper fruits. I loved those as a kid and still do. One thing I like is that it's pretty much remained the same for as long as I can remember it. That entire block actually. There's a mattress store that's been there forever and some other longtime spots. A part of New York that has managed to stay frozen in time.

The hot dogs are awesome and I learned about putting mustard and sauerkraut on "dogs" from my Dad there. No ketchup! But try telling my wife that lol. The papaya juice was also incredible but I am scared to think now how much sugar was in those - probably contributed to my pre-diabetic diagnosis.

I liked that they had tons of Obama signs up when he was running for president and aren't afraid to promote whatever cause they are behind.
Feels like a piece of old New York that I hope always stays where it is. Real New York flavor and expression.

Also, Frank serving up franks is something I've thought about for a while and what better place to pay homage to.

I learned when you order to just say the number of hotdogs you want.. for example, "Can I get two with sauerkraut?" You put the mustard on yourself, everyone has their preference for just the right amount :)

A little bit about the layers -

The ceiling - I wanted to keep it fun and festive. Hanging Fruit, hanging sneakers, and disco balls.

The TV - I thought it would be fun to offer a bunch of options on the TV, a celebration of both old and new, a sort of time machine if you will: classic late night NYC public access shows on Channel 35 like Robin Byrd, sports, sitcoms, as well as current Crypto news and some classic Frank Ape pieces I've made over the years.

The Customers - A little bit of choose your own adventure celebrating both young and old.

The Employees - Always there with a smile and grace to serve up dogs in a second at any time of the day or night.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure!

Frank Ape is a mystical creature who lives amongst the humans but without human restrictions. What started as a form of self-expression on the streets of NYC for artist Brandon Sines quickly turned into a movement for the people. Frank has special powers that he continues to discover as he is tested by the many challenges of life. Frank champions positivity and equality, and cares about all living things. He believes in using imagination and play to inspire other people and animals through thoughtful actions.
Website: Visit
Dates: End actual: 15 Apr 2021
Exit Price: 16,050.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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