15/05/2024 CryptoPunks leads daily NFT sales with over US$1.39 million

CryptoPunks dominated the non-fungible token (NFT) market with a US$1.39 million daily sales volume on May 12, according to CryptoSlam data.

Most of those sales came from CryptoPunk 741, which sold for almost US$800,000 at the Larva Labs marketplace. The NFT’s last on-chain sale occurred seven years ago, for US$400.

CryptoPunk 741 is now the eighth-highest-valued CryptoPunk in the collection.

The second-ranking collection for the day was DMarket, which operates on Mythos Chain, a blockchain specialized for Web3 gaming applications. Dmarket had US$945,383 in daily sales, the third consecutive day above the US$900,000 mark.

Sunday’s sales total follows a monthly high of over US$970,000 on Friday.

DMarket’s all-time sales volume now stands at US$427.16 million.

NodeMonkes, the all-time leader among Bitcoin collections, claimed the third spot with sales of US$565,277, a decrease from the previous day’s US$1.21 million.

Outside the top three in the NFT market, Pudgy Penguins saw a daily sales volume of US$473,136, and $CORE BRC-20 NFTs, recorded US$450,912.

Solana Monkey Business, on the Solana blockchain, reported sales of US$429,598 for the day’s sixth spot, followed by $LTC+ BRC-20 NFTs, Mad Lads, and $π BRC-20 NFTs.

Sunday’s sales pushed the Ethereum blockchain, home to the CryptoPunks collection, to the top of the blockchain rankings for NFT sales.

The network reported a total sales volume of US$5.24 million on Sunday, a 25.6% increase from US$4.17 million the previous day.

The Bitcoin blockchain trailed behind with US$5.08 million in daily sales, as Solana posted US$2.67 million.



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The Dark City
What if all the constraints of a physical world disappear, and we are left with a database of attributes - information that determines the properties of environments. Can we envision spatial conditions that are governed by digital physics? Nowadays, with the technology of artificial lighting, we remove the unique conditions that darkness offered to us – the ability to hide, the oblivion. In the Dark City, there is a totally different sensual experience. Noises are suddenly amplified, the smell becomes stronger and we totally rediscover the sense of touch.
There are infinite worlds in the Universe with infinite sentient beings inhabiting them. Master autonomously updates once a day at 12am with one of 366 original artworks, showcasing some of the rarest beings, their cities, transport, technology and nature.
The Investor's Dream
The second "Visual Toy" about cryptocurrency and its universe that continues the exclusive collection on this theme. After the first Visual Toy, dedicated to the cryptocurrency itself, this visual toy is the other side of the coin. It represents, as its title tells us, the investor's dream, the current person and his financial hopes. A surreal fantasy of the dreams and longings of every investor, in this case the crypto investor. In this magical, happy and colorful dream, aspirations of all kinds intermingle, both the desire for great benefits, represented in a long animation that shows us a production cycle or series production that ranges from the gastronomic recipe of a two-ingredient cake. Bitcoin slice and Ethereum smoothie, passing through magic, represented in a fairy that transforms the cake into real money, which is sucked into a giant capsule to accumulate it and multiply it. The rest is full of investor aspirations, which appear in their dreams in the form of profits or screens that announce that values are rising steadily, as well as physical possessions, such as the sailboat, the helicopter, homes and other objects or possibilities. A dream full of happiness, fun and hope.