15/05/2024 CryptoPunks leads daily NFT sales with over US$1.39 million

CryptoPunks dominated the non-fungible token (NFT) market with a US$1.39 million daily sales volume on May 12, according to CryptoSlam data.

Most of those sales came from CryptoPunk 741, which sold for almost US$800,000 at the Larva Labs marketplace. The NFT’s last on-chain sale occurred seven years ago, for US$400.

CryptoPunk 741 is now the eighth-highest-valued CryptoPunk in the collection.

The second-ranking collection for the day was DMarket, which operates on Mythos Chain, a blockchain specialized for Web3 gaming applications. Dmarket had US$945,383 in daily sales, the third consecutive day above the US$900,000 mark.

Sunday’s sales total follows a monthly high of over US$970,000 on Friday.

DMarket’s all-time sales volume now stands at US$427.16 million.

NodeMonkes, the all-time leader among Bitcoin collections, claimed the third spot with sales of US$565,277, a decrease from the previous day’s US$1.21 million.

Outside the top three in the NFT market, Pudgy Penguins saw a daily sales volume of US$473,136, and $CORE BRC-20 NFTs, recorded US$450,912.

Solana Monkey Business, on the Solana blockchain, reported sales of US$429,598 for the day’s sixth spot, followed by $LTC+ BRC-20 NFTs, Mad Lads, and $π BRC-20 NFTs.

Sunday’s sales pushed the Ethereum blockchain, home to the CryptoPunks collection, to the top of the blockchain rankings for NFT sales.

The network reported a total sales volume of US$5.24 million on Sunday, a 25.6% increase from US$4.17 million the previous day.

The Bitcoin blockchain trailed behind with US$5.08 million in daily sales, as Solana posted US$2.67 million.



Interesting NFTs
Young Vitalik takes on the role of Picasso’s son Paulo dressed as Harlequin in this artwork but the octahedron Ethereum logo replaces the chequered pattern of the original jester outfit. Leaning against a large chair, the boy genius fiddles with his fingers in a somewhat nervous manner; nevertheless, he stares directly at the viewer with what appears to be a confident, ‘Mona Lisa-like’ smile. Vitalik has no idea what the future has in store for him, but he’s prepared to face any obstacle ahead as he begins life's adventure.
By OthersideDeployer
The Scion
A young figure caught in a moment of distraction, aware only ephemerally of his unconscious being, as it engages in psychological and psychedelic layer spaces. His right arm casually cradles a moray eel; the figure is comfortable but not truly aware of the potentials for danger in such negligence. His shirt reads “Bello” in Pokemon style font, harkening back to a childhood straddling the millennial threshold. To his right side, out of the unconscious deep, shrouded alien heads propagate as a fractal totem, each new iteration a more sophisticated rendering of emotional masking over the cold mystery of the greys. As the scion of the Budgie-Sattva, the young man, in his distraction, is also simultaneously aware of higher levels of self discovery. To his left a psychological topology sets beneath the oracle side of an 8 ball ,hovering; its message a purest concept of acceptance. The “Scion” lettering is in 80’s HeMan style bold declaration. The lower right side of the painting is like a hybrid of melon, feathers, and seeds. The crystals in the background bring light; conducted, refracted, reflected, and dispersed, to balance the dark shadow of the figure’s physical body. The aura of the scion succeeds in layers to point, with a finger, and the crown chakra, toward a center of a mandala existing as nigh pure application of strokes, in essence painterly abstraction, but also revealing hints of the Aura of migraine, and the bi-hemispherical nature of the brain–noting concerns of the possibility of inherited mental disease. Yet the flourish of chakra as it sets against that center is robust, active, coherent, and reveling against all fear. Fundamentally, the piece speaks to the activation of one’s potential to begin to “Know Thyself”, and find greater awareness out of the enigmas of the mind–as an inculcated seed given to the rich soil of one’s own birthright.
Blvck Roses
A melancholic piece for those with a dark soul. The piece comprises symbols of Blvck Paris brought to life. The NFT features Nocturne Op. 48 by Chopin played and interpreted exclusively on piano by Julian.