24/05/2024 President Biden’s campaign team is hiring a master of memes

The successful candidate will be responsible for “engaging the internet’s top content and meme pages.”

President Biden’s campaign team is hiring a master of memes

The successful candidate will be responsible for “engaging the internet’s top content and meme pages.”

United States President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign team is looking for a meme expert in an apparent effort to win over Generation Z voters.

The Biden for President (BFP) campaignposteda job position for a “Partner Manager” with a successful candidate responsible for initiating and managing “day-to-day operations in engaging the internet’s top content and meme pages.”

According to Indeed, Biden’s camp will pay its Wilmington, Delaware-based meme manager between $65,000 and $85,000 a year, which is slightly above average for digital marketer pay in the United States.

According to the job description, the main task of the Biden meme master would be to manage relationships with digital media companies, podcasters and “meme pages across a number of social media platforms.”

Biden’s team has dabbled in meme creation before. His campaign embraced the “Dark Brandon” laser eyes meme in early 2022 in an attempt to cast the 81-year-old as internet-savvy.

Dark Brandon. Source:Joe Biden

In February, Biden was asked about the Dark Brandon meme by Seth Meyers on hisLate Nightshow. He replied, “I resent the hell out of it,” before donning a pair of dark aviators.

Biden again donned the sunglasses and referenced the persona to cheers from the audience at the annual dinner of the White House Correspondents’ Association in April.

Dark Brandon made an appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.pic.twitter.com/lNfWrNXj0i

— President Biden (@POTUS)April 30, 2023

The move appears to be the latest effort from the oldest-ever U.S. president to woo a younger generation of voters.

Many Democrats have alsoseemingly u-turnedon crypto following 2024 presidential candidate DonaldTrump’s advocacy for itin an apparent bid to garner votes.

On the other side of the political lines, Trump is no stranger to memes. His August 2023 mugshot went viral after being processed at Fulton County Jail, Georgia, for his fourth indictment.

Trump meme banner at Yankee Stadium on May 22. Source:Clay Travis

His campaign team jumped on the opportunity and immediately started selling T-shirts, mugs and merchandise with the imageand dropped a“MugShot” nonfungible token collection in December 2023.

In early May, the Trump-themed MAGA memecoin rallied after the former president madepro-crypto comments.



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