12/07/2024 Coinbase to Launch ‘One-Stop’ App for Managing Crypto, NFTs, and DeFi Positions

Coinbase to Launch 'One-Stop' App for Managing Crypto, NFTs, and DeFi Positions

Coinbase has announced the upcoming launch of a new web application designed to provide users with a single platform for viewing and managing their entire crypto exposure, including tokens, NFTs, and DeFi positions.

This initiative aims to streamline the user experience and integrate various functionalities into one cohesive interface.

Coinbase Launches Web App to Unify User Crypto Experience

On Thursday,Coinbaserevealedplans for a new web appallowing users to manage their digital assets comprehensively.

The application is designed to integrate multiple wallets, enabling users to view and manage their entire portfolio, including tokens, NFTs, and DeFi positions, across different blockchains like Bitcoin, Solana, and Ethereum.

This move is part of Coinbase’s broader strategy to bring approximately 100 million users onto the blockchain.

Sid Coelho-Prabhu, Coinbase’s Senior Director of Product Management, stated that user feedback drove the development of this web app. He said,

“This is one big step in that direction. A user that we send to this portal is going to have a really easy way to set up a wallet, if they have multiple wallets they can configure that as well.”

According to Coelho-Prabhu, users needed a simplified way to manage their assets and view their portfolios on the blockchain. He emphasized that the app’s goal is to make on-chain activities more accessible and user-friendly.

Notably, thenew Coinbase Wallet web appoffers a range of features designed to enhance the user experience.

Users can connect multiple wallets and view their overall cryptocurrency balance in one place. According to a Coinbase tweet, the app supports trading over 2 million tokens across eight chains, providing a seamless trading experience with any connected wallet.

Additionally, the app is integrated with Coinbase smart wallets, and is said to have features such as gasless transactions on certain mints and the capability to spend directly from a Coinbase account on-chain via MagicSpend.

Furthermore, the app also includes features that allow the creation and distribution of NFTs directly on the platform for creators.

This functionality will empower creators by giving them more control and additional avenues for monetization.

According to Coinbase, the app aims to centralize all current on-chain products, making it a “one-stop” destination for all blockchain-related activities.

Regulatory Advocacy and Security Enhancements

While launching new features, Coinbase continues to advocate for better regulation in the digital asset market.

The company hassubmittedan amicus briefin the case of Lejilex Exchange and the Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texasagainst the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Coinbase has also been named an additional custodian for VanEck’s Bitcoin Trust, highlighting its ongoing efforts to enhance security and the user experience.

This role involves holding Bitcoin primarily in cold storage to protect against cyber threats, reinforcing Coinbase’s commitment to providing secure and reliable services.

Notably, this “one-stop’ app is a step by Coinbase towards making blockchain technology more accessible and manageable for seasoned and novice users.

Relatedly, this move comes afterBybit overtook Coinbase to become the second-largest exchangeby volume after Binance, according to a report from crypto research firm Kaiko.

This growth comes as Binance’s dominance declined from 60% to 54%, with Bybit benefiting from increased Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) trading. These now account for 53% of its market share, compared to 43% on Binance.

In June 2023, the SEC sued Coinbase and Binance for securities violations, with Binance facing a historic $4.3 billion settlement for Anti-Money Laundering violations.

Despite these legal challenges, Coinbase also reported significant growth, with a 193% increase in trading volumes, slightly trailing the average growth rate of other major exchanges.



Interesting NFTs
Right Place & Right Time (bitcoin hourly price offset)
Each day, a new composition for the Master is generated autonomously using a data feed of Bitcoin's last 24 hours of price action. Each hour's price programmatically controls rotation, scale, and position of a correlating layer. Astute viewers will surmise the day's price volatility simply by examining the artwork. While the daily image generation is the result of autonomous API calls, utilizing an algorithm the artist wrote, the artist has chosen to retain a control token. This token allows him to fine-tune variables associated with his algorithm, in addition to addressing aesthetic concerns within the life-cycle of the artwork. Layer state, alpha, hue, saturation, and brightness are elements the artist has retained control of in order that this artwork remain a living work-in-progress. An earlier iteration of this artwork was featured as a nightly projection mapping video on the face of the Daniels Fisher Clocktower, as part of ETH Denver 2020. Access to this and additional exclusive content awaits the master token owner at the artist's NFT Portal: https://collect.mattkane.com/minted-works/right-place-right-time-bitcoin-hourly-price-offset/
By OthersideDeployer
David vs the Virus
"An ode to the year everything changed" - Frank Wilder The story of the underdog is a reoccurring theme throughout history, and perhaps the most famous example is that of David vs Goliath. A tale about perseverance, in which David takes on and defeats the giant warrior using only his smarts and a stone. Famously depicted by Michelangelo's David statue. Fast forward to the present day in 2020 and we as humanity are faced with our own Goliath. An uncontrollable pandemic spread around the globe. Now with the entire planet being affected by this we understand the gravity of the situation at hand, whether it be a virus we’re fighting or other forces at play, there is indeed an energy out to shift the balance of the Universe… Regardless of our differences, in this moment must unite as one. With diligence, trust and belief we as a whole can come together to triumph against "the enemy". Stay vigilant my friends. Original score created by the one and only Phoenix Wilder.
Who Is The Creator 2
The idea for this piece was borne out of a tweet of mine that caused a bit of a stir. I’d posted a link to a blog article I’d written a number of months previous titled ‘Who is the Creator’ discussing various types of creative collaborations and why I hire people to work on my animations. It generated a lot of debate around creation and attribution with the community split on whether it’s right or wrong for an artist to hire other professionals to help them realize their art projects. I decided to push the boundaries even further and see how the cryptoart community responded. What if I quite literally had nothing to do with the physical or digital elements of the work other than coming up with the concept and coordinating it? I decided there was one artist in the space who could add huge value to this idea on levels that none other could and so I gathered my courage and contacted the great José Delbo to ask him if he’d be interested in a very unique collaboration. I explained to him that to make this piece ‘work’ he couldn't have any say in what I produced and moreover, he wouldn’t even be allowed to see the animation until it was dropped on MakersPlace. To my surprise, Mr Delbo agreed to my proposal. The animation tells the story of the creative process, which includes my roles as writer, director, and producer working with a team and making edits and changes ‘in real time’. The dialogue between myself and my ‘hired guns’ plays out in front of the viewer. The music written for the piece adds to the nostalgia of the comic book superhero theme but other elements such as the snapping and kicking of the pencil and the signing of my signature at the bottom incorporates further layers and challenges the viewer to ask important questions, such as, is the ‘Art’ the final animation (the creation) or is the ‘Art’ the concept/credit for the creation itself?
José Delbo sent me his striking pencil sketch and powerful inked work, which I then interpreted in oil on canvas. I wanted to create a very painterly piece with obvious brush marks etc, but I was also aiming for a nostalgic feel, a kind of 1980’s superhero comic book look, the kind I grew up with. My goal with this animation was to try to recreate, in part, the creative process that both artists went through with the visual information I had. I was able to showcase my painting process more accurately as I could take photographs of my progress throughout. Consecutive images could then be layered like brush strokes over José’s drawing to create the impression that this was one continuous artwork from pencil, to ink, to completed painting. The representation of the line sketch at the beginning, then pencil/ink and lastly the paint layers being applied demonstrate both artists’ struggle for the right lines, tone, form, and colour until the work is finally completed. As the oil was still wet with each photograph the glare of my studio lights can be seen in the brush strokes. Eventually, the figure emerges and as it does, our hero comes to life, looking directly at the viewer -- but is he grimacing in approval or disgust? We will never know for sure as just before he can say anything, white paint is brushed across the canvas entirely and the process begins again. Only the bat is quick enough to escape.