19/07/2024 US Presidential Candidate Trump to Release Fourth NFT Series

Trump NFTsTrump NFTs

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has confirmed plans to unveil the fourth edition of his famous NFT series.

In a Bloomberginterview, Trump boasted about the success of his previous collections, stating that they were highly favored and sold out quickly. Specifically, he mentioned that 45,000 cards were snatched up in just a day, a success he encountered with all three NFT endeavors.

Notably, following the release of the MugShot edition last December, the second seriesregistereda 3,213% sales surge in one day.

Fans Are Demanding Trump’s Fourth NFT Collection

Trump attributed the demand for the fourth to his fans, saying they are eager for him to release another collection. He expressed delight with the enthusiastic response, describing it as a remarkable display of spirit.

Furthermore, the former U.S. president disclosed that almost all of the sales from his previous NFT collections were made in crypto. This experience gave him a new appreciation for digital currencies’ potential.

Trump Positioning US at the Fore of Crypto Advancement

As a result, he expressed his desire for the United States to take a leading role indeveloping the cryptocurrency industry. He likened the industry to a young child, still in its early stages, and emphasized the significance of the U.S. staying ahead of the curve.

Trump warned that if the U.S. fails to take forward-thinking actions, China will likely become a dominant player in the industry.

Furthermore, Trump noted the shift in attitude towards cryptocurrency among banking executives, specifically mentioningJamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan. Trump observed that Dimon, previously outspoken in his criticism of crypto, has recently softened his stance.

Seven months ago, Dimon hadtestifiedbefore a Senate hearing that the “only” legitimate use case for crypto was for criminal activities and tax evasion, even going so far as to suggest that the government should shut it down.

Meanwhile, despite Dimon’s vocal opposition to crypto, JPMorgan has its own native cryptocurrency, JPM Coin. BlackRock’s Larry Fink also recentlyadmitted that he was wrong during his days of Bitcoin criticism, calling the asset digital gold and a legitimate financial instrument.

Trump’s latest hint about the coming of his fourth NFT collection comes as the crypto industry increasingly throws its support behind his reelection campaign.

Trump’s campaignendorsed cryptodonations in May. Data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) revealed that Trump’s election campaign raised approximately $331 million last quarter, of which around $3 million came from cryptocurrency donations.

In a further indication of his growing affinity for crypto, Trump yesterdayannounced his choice for running mate: pro-Bitcoin Senator J.D. Vance.



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