07/08/2024 UK body proposes property category for crypto assets, SEC sued over status of NFTs: Law Decoded

The Law Commission’s final report urges the UK government to reclassify crypto assets, addressing current legal gaps.

UK body proposes property category for crypto assets, SEC sued over status of NFTs: Law Decoded

The Law Commission’s final report urges the UK government to reclassify crypto assets, addressing current legal gaps.

On July 30, the Law Commission of England and Wales insisted that the United Kingdom government categorize all crypto assets as a new form of personal property in its final report.

Itpublished a supplemental reporthighlighting current legal inadequacies as an independent body primarily recommending and reviewing law reforms in its respective jurisdictions.

These inadequacies were of the current categorization of personal property and its legal implications concerning crypto assets.

The commission stated that legal “flexibility” allows for “the recognition of a distinct category of personal property,” capable of recognizing and protecting “certain digital assets.”

FTX class action lawyers move to block Sullivan & Cromwell’s dismissal motion

On July 29, FTX class action lawyers submitted a motion opposing the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell (S&C), claiming that the firm went beyond standard legal practices.

The class action lawyers alleged that S&C exceeded these legal practices in its efforts to actively facilitate the fraudulent activities of the defunct cryptocurrency exchange.

According to the submitted court documents, the class action lawyers stated that S&C lawyers created “misleading strategies that furthered FTX’s misconduct.”

The ongoing lawsuit seeks damages for multiple counts, including aiding and abetting fraud, aiding and abetting fiduciary breaches and civil conspiracy.

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Bill proposes to give Secret Service more power to pursue crypto crime

On Aug. 2, two United States Senators introduced a bill seeking to expand Secret Service powers to combat crypto-related criminal activity.

Nevada-based Catherine Cortex Masto and Iowa-based Charles Grassley introduced the “Combatting Money Laundering in Cyber Crime Act of 2024” bill.

If pushed through and approved, the bill would allow Secret Service authorities to investigate crypto transactions made by unlicensed money-transmitting businesses.

It would also enable the Service to investigate potential fraud against US financial institutions to put financial activity “on federal law enforcement’s radar.”

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Artists sue SEC over confusing security status of NFTs

On July 29, two artists sued the US Securities and Exchange Commission to determine whether non-fungible tokens (NFTs) fall within the agency’s regulatory remit.

The plaintiffs’ attorneys sought clarity on the acts that would trigger US securities laws during NFT creation and sales.

The SEC was questioned whether artists needed to “register” NFT art before selling to retail and whether public disclosures regarding “risks” were required.

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Interesting NFTs
By OthersideDeployer
Mars House
Mars House is the first NFT digital house in the world. Upon purchase of Mars House NFT, 3D files will be sent to the new owner by Krista Kim Studio Inc. for file upload to the owner’s Metaverse. Technical support for Mars House integration on Metaverse is provided. (Architectural Digest, March 14, 2021) “Kim ventured into NFTs while exploring meditative design during quarantine; her hope was to use the influx of digital life as an opportunity to promote wellbeing. Comprised entirely of light, the visual effects of her crypto-home are meant to omit a zen, healing atmosphere. The artist also partnered with musician Jeff Schroeder of The Smashing Pumpkins to create a calming musical accompaniment. So what makes the file a compelling purchase? Beyond the promise of buying into the lucrative NFT market, the home and all of the furniture in it can be built in real life by glass furniture-makers in Italy, as well as through MicroLED screen technology. Kim also has a strong visions the art being projected, as well. “Everyone should install an LED wall in their house for NFT art.” says the artist. “ This is the future, and Mars House demonstrates the beauty of that possibility.” The owner is in agreement to the following terms and conditions upon purchase of Mars House (hereby referred to as Mars House NFT): The collector agrees to own one copy of Mars House NFT on a single Metaverse platform. The collector is required to register Mars House NFT ownership with Krista Kim Studio Inc. Krista Kim Studio Inc. will provide technical support to upload and integrate Mars House NFT on a Metaverse platform. If/when Mars House is resold, the collector is required to delete all Mars House NFT 3D file(s) from his/her Metaverse, and provide verification of deletion to Krista Kim Studio Inc. before new 3D files are transferred to the new owner by the artist. The new owner is required to register Mars House NFT ownership with Krista Kim Studio Inc. Krista Kim Studio will send Mars House NFT 3D files directly to the new owner and provide support for Metaverse integration. This verified ownership transfer system will be appointed to Krista Kim Studio Inc. trusteeship, after 40 years of the date of the sale. Krista Kim Studio Inc. retains ownership of Mars House NFT copyright. All rights reserved. All reproductions of Mars House (NFT) in both digital and physical formats, are restricted. Mars House NFT physical furniture pieces, made of tempered printed glass in Italy, may be commissioned by the collector as NFT physical pieces.
Auto-Erotic Sphinx with Toys
In this image, a giant sphinx spoons itself in erotic play within an aquatic styled environment littered by various denizens. These creatures include symbols and archetypes both current and nostalgic–each inhabiting a rootedness within mass cultural adolescence. Among the roster are Servbots, video game inspired mushrooms, a Pacman-like creature, a distant sea faring rubber duck, creatures sporting the symbols reminiscent of popular anime, and a Pokemon-like rabbit (a novel incarnation of Ganesha indicated by the Shiva trident on its nose). In addition, a few sea creatures partly inspired by sea monsters of western antiquity conglomerate along the mid left side of the composition. The Sphinx itself is an amalgam of aquatic, fetishist, ancient Egyptian, and 80’s style adornments, both living, as in a clown fish, or material, such as a cassette tape. Nautically colored antennae receive somatic signals from the atmosphere, perhaps from the 8 Ball moon or giant ringed planet beyond.
Ciao! My name's Kitty #110605. I once peed on Nelson Mandela's cat. They had it coming. I once kissed a moose. I don't like to talk about it. This will be an amewsing friendship.
There are infinite worlds in the Universe with infinite sentient beings inhabiting them. Master autonomously updates once a day at 12am with one of 366 original artworks, showcasing some of the rarest beings, their cities, transport, technology and nature.