20/08/2021 NFT Tool Liquidifty Consolidates With Chainlink VRF


In a recent development, the NFT established tool Liquidifty has entered into a collaboration with the Decentralized Oracle Network “Chainlink”. This association will be a lucrative feature for the Chainlink ecosystem as it is an eminent component in the decentralized oracle system.  

Through this consolidation, Liquidifty will be warranted with auditable authorization and a tamper-proof randomness functionality. These two types of randomness are essential for the exchange of NFT decks and prospective trading ventures. Subsequently, the association of the two crypto networks will constitute appealing, financial duplicity-proof, and reliant client-approved trading encounters. 

With this new venture, Liquidifty clients will be able to review all crypto exchanges and have a transparent understanding of the valuations picked by chance. The NFT firm chose Chainlink’s VRF (Verifiable Random Function) for its high-powered technical solutions backed by educative analysis. Additionally, when it comes to its oracle ecosystem, the hallmarks of Chainlink have been well researched and are well protected through cryptographic authorizations on-chain. 

Chainlink VRF is based on facilitating the mandate of joining block information that is still unrecognized. This combination process of Chainlink is authorized due to a client’s request with an oracle-approved private key. The admission through an individual key is assured with cryptographic verification and a random valuation. 

Furthermore, the NFT rooted firm wants to initiate genuine transactions, including authentic victors. For this business intention, Liquidifty will need permissions to acquire holdings of Random Number Generator (RNG). The client will be able to examine exchanges actioned through the RNG assurance autonomously.

RNG functionalities appropriated on a client’s smart contracts will need to be secured with protective measures. The smart contracts will be blocked from illicit FinTech manipulation and secure operation regularity with the safeguarded conformities. 

With Chainlink integrated into Liquidifty’s system, clients will be ensured that the integrity of each random amount is provided to their smart contracts. The motive of this alliance is to assure Liquidifty’s clients that they can review every exchange and know that it is authorized randomly.

Trevor Holman follows crypto industry since 2011. He joined CryptoNewsZ as a news writer and he provides technical analysis pieces and current market data. He is also an avid trader. In his free time, he loves to explore unexplored places.


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