18/01/2022 What You Own When You Own an NFT

Following an all-out bash of SpiceDAO's plans to make a version of "Dune" "public," it's worth reflecting on copyright in crypto.


I do not know who needs to hear this, but owning an NFT is not the same as owning a project’s copyright or intellectual property. This is the first point I’d like to make.

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a type of digital asset that lives on a blockchain. It has a monetary value and is useful to authenticate and track the provenance of another piece of digital media. That can be JPEGs but also music files, or really anything else that can be saved to a hard drive. But an NFT is not the underlying media itself. That’s the second point.

Spending any amount of money, be it $5 or $40 million, on anything auctioned or traded as an NFT does not give you legal ownership over the underlying media associated with that token. What you do own when you buy an NFT are the keys to a non-fungible – perhaps unique – token. That token is yours to trade, or hold, or display in Decentraland. But the digital file associated with an NFT is just as easy to copy and paste and download as any other – the third point.

Consider this a PSA. The relationship between NFTs and digital works is nuanced. There’s often confusion anywhere that crypto rubs up against the real world. And while NFTs fit neatly into existing copyright law, there’s a possibility that these new technologies could alter existing IP protection standards for the better.

None of this is exactly obvious from looking at platforms like OpenSea or when you wade into NFT Twitter. Which is why I wanted to state it. Non-fungible tokens are often promoted as a way to bring “scarcity” and “permanence” to infinitely reproducible digital objects. In a way this view is correct. NFTs do bring scarcity to digital goods, but that scarcity is limited to the blockchain-based token itself.

It also seems reasonable to think if you buy a Bored Ape NFT, that ape is yours. As mentioned the underlying intellectual property belongs to the creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (who have Hollywood representation for their work), but the buyer might have a close emotional bond with “their” character. This might explain why people are using Bored Apes characters as profile pics on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This weekend NFT critics drew an analogy and their ire to a recent successful auction of a rare print of the classic sci-fi novel "Dune." In December, SpiceDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization,paid $3 millionto buy Alejandro Jodorowsky’s unpublished manuscript for an unmade film adaptation of Frank Herbert’s 400-page odyssey at a Christie’s auction.

This weekend, a month after the hammer fell, the DAO tweeted its plans for the storyboard. They wanted to “Make the book public (to the extent permitted by law),” “Produce an original animated limited series inspired by the book and sell it to a streaming service,” and “Support derivative projects from the community.”

Seeing this tweet – of a plan that was known essentially when SpiceDAO initially crowdfunded $11.8 million – Wikipedia contributor and Web 3 critic Molly White published a story on her blog “Web 3 Is Going Great” titled, “SpiceDAO wins a $3 million auction to buy an extremely rare storyboard book of Dune, only to learn that owning a book doesn't confer them copyright.”Other media orgs jumped at the occasion.

“[SpiceDAO] were quickly informed that buying the physical book did not somehow confer to them copyright or licensing rights (much like how buying an NFT does not automatically confer you the rights to the underlying artwork!). You'd think they might have checked that first,” White wrote.

Others joined a Twitter pile on. Some noted how buying a rare book isn’t the same as owning its contents. Others erroneously suggested the DAO purchased an NFT of the manuscript, which of course also wouldn’t confer ownership of Dune’s intellectual property. There is no NFT or plans for one, as far as I can tell.

Also called “Jodorowsky’s Bible,” the work is a collection of writings and prints that have historical significance. Making it as public as possible seems the right thing to do. Many noted the book’s contents are already hosted online (on Google Photos, for instance), but the DAO wanted to make public ownership a little more durable as Google can remove the file whenever.

The DAO members also wanted to treat the work with the appropriate amount of respect. A crowdfund was just one way to show how meaningful it is to the public. Creating derivative works by highly-motivated fans is another.

SpiceDAO is seemingly aware of what it bought and the legal considerations of their plans. After winning the auction, the DAO’s co-founder Soban Saqib told Buzzfeed it was in the process of transferring ownership for permanent storage, and figuring out how to manage the multiple copyrights for the bible’s contents that artists and their estates can lay claim to.

Frank Herbert's "Dune" will not become public domain until 2060 in the U.S. and 2054 in the E.U., but there are still things the DAO can do. The laws around fan-fiction are a little looser, and the “fair use” exemption gives some leeway.

Although the DAO has a governance token (“SPICE”) that trades on the open market, it’s not clear the group aims to profit from its endeavors. It might bump up against securities rules. And after being forced to rename itself from DuneDAO, due to copyright complaints, you can be sure they’re aware of certain limitations.

Representatives for SpiceDAO did not return a request for comment.

What does this mean for NFTs?

NFTs and DAOs biggest plans are hemmed in by the law as it stands, and are relatively technologically simple things. NFTs are tokens for provenance. That makes it easier to assign value to digital items. DAOs are a way of organizing people, sharing funds and executing plans. There’s a lot of promise, but many limitations. The law isn’t necessarily one.

NFTs and DAOs are part of a sea-change in how people think about the web and digital ownership. It’s a“public goods” mindset, an overriding belief that people should be able to profit from their labors and collaborate more efficiently.

There’s a legal standing that already fits this attitude: open copyright. There’s a growing trend for NFT creators to release their projects as CCO – the least restrictive copyright – so anyone can download, remix, transform and profit from these digital items. The tokens will still have an owner, but the work belongs to all.

In the U.S. there is a policy that any media – a song, a picture, a three-hour blockbuster film – is your property by default so long as you created the work. On Twitter, you make a post and you technically own the intellectual property behind it. You and you alone own that tweet. Same for blogposts. Or uploading pictures. By default, you own that work.

Frank Herbet’s estate may want to keep profiting from Herbert’s "Dune," which is within their rights. It’s entirely possible that the next great work of literary significance will be crowdfunded by a DAO or an NFT. Let’s hope it truly does belong to the world.



Interesting NFTs
Art Is The Currency of the Infinite
This still-life, titled after one of Pablo Picasso's infamous quotes, was made solely using 3D softwares and apps, in an attempt to bring this often forgotten artistic genre into the 21st century through the use of new artistic mediums and technologies. This piece is also an invitation to meditate on the role of "value" throught the ages and how it's been radically altered by the coming into existence of technologies and concepts like cryptocurrencies and digital scarcity.
Auto-Erotic Sphinx with Toys
In this image, a giant sphinx spoons itself in erotic play within an aquatic styled environment littered by various denizens. These creatures include symbols and archetypes both current and nostalgic–each inhabiting a rootedness within mass cultural adolescence. Among the roster are Servbots, video game inspired mushrooms, a Pacman-like creature, a distant sea faring rubber duck, creatures sporting the symbols reminiscent of popular anime, and a Pokemon-like rabbit (a novel incarnation of Ganesha indicated by the Shiva trident on its nose). In addition, a few sea creatures partly inspired by sea monsters of western antiquity conglomerate along the mid left side of the composition. The Sphinx itself is an amalgam of aquatic, fetishist, ancient Egyptian, and 80’s style adornments, both living, as in a clown fish, or material, such as a cassette tape. Nautically colored antennae receive somatic signals from the atmosphere, perhaps from the 8 Ball moon or giant ringed planet beyond.
By OthersideDeployer
Gen 8 Snappy Duck Parent
Good day! I'm Gen 8 Snappy Duck Parent. I believe the world is flat. I like to listen to Mariah Carey while grooming. Don't judge me. I hope you like kitten around as much as I do!
Alex in Wonderland
A figure, Alex, stands mostly naked in the midst of a physical and psychological maelstrom. He is clad only in nostalgic 80’s era socks, on a tenuous island between active waters and a variety of shark denizens. Sharks on the right side of the image are all beached, including a shark with a quartz crystal snout, an orange shark wrapped in a life buoy, and a shark further in the distance wearing an 80’s style shirt with the number “88”. On the left side is the largest shark, wearing bright glossy red lipstick and brandishing prominent teeth with braces. She is cordoned off from the figure by a roped float divider, and within her thought bubble is a warning symbol. Behind the figure, hovering in the air, are Grey aliens emerging from the distance, out of a series of elliptical UFO shaped interdimensional membranes. The Greys take on the visual form of spermazoa ostensibly impregnating the interdimensional thresholds. As is typical, these Greys inhabit a zone just behind the unconscious topology of Alex’s dissociative mind. Though Alex’s bottom half is representative, his top half mutates into a psychological cornucopia. In a manner akin to “Auto-Erotic Sphinx”, a predecessor work, the figure has self suctioned—an act of sensual infatuation, enjoyment, and exploration. Upward exists the figure’s primary conscious eye, adorned with a revolutionary beret emblazoned with a Bitcoin badge. The figure’s summit features the nose of a fighter jet facing off against video game Bullet Bills, one of whom is marked by a communist North Korean star. A cropped section of a UFO observes the contest. Alex’s mind branches both left and right. To the left is more singular embodied consciousness, manifesting two eyes and a Ganesh trunk grasping crayons. The right branch dissociates upward diagonally, emerging into an array of eyes, faces, teeth, tail, a unicorn horn, and much more—all of which participate in expressing his unconscious being; a democracy of psychic factions representing thought impressions and associations. All illumination and darkness– fernal, infernal, high consciousness and corporeal underbelly–reside in this realm. In the distance are relatively languid, light clouds, and against the firmament hovers a colossal distant eye peering over the scene and far beyond. This painting possesses underlying genetic traits with previous works such as “Auto-Erotic Sphinx with Toys”, “Dionysus”, and “Fuku-Shiva”. The work serves also as a nod to an earlier period of art inspiration during late teens and early twenties— born out of the nakedness, vulnerability, curiosity, and wonder inherent to coming of age and all subsequent psychedelic revelation.