25/06/2021 Binance NFT Marketplace : Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur son lancement!

La collection “Genesis”.
Le but de cette collection NFT est de rendre hommage aux artistes pionniers Andy Warhol et Salvador Dali, dont l’approche innovante de l’art se reflĂšte dans les NFTs d’aujourd’hui.La technologie NFT rĂ©volutionnant le monde de l’art en donnant au concept de propriĂ©tĂ© numĂ©rique une toute nouvelle approche.

“Binance partage les mĂȘmes valeurs que “Genesis”, en rĂ©volutionnant l’espace fintech avec la technologie blockchain et la crypto, et en ouvrant la voie en tant que leader pionnier de la blockchain. Une idĂ©ologie partagĂ©e par la vente tout aux enchĂšres ‘Genesis’ qui fera de mĂȘme pour l’industrie NFT.”

Helen Hai, responsable de Binance NFT
Cette collection fera partie des “Premium Event” et comprendra deux oeuvres d’arts emblĂ©matiques :

Trois autoportraits d’Andy Warhol

En tant que leader du mouvement Pop Art, Andy Warhol a introduit dans le monde de l’art la sĂ©rigraphie, une technique d’impression commerciale permettant de reproduire facilement les dessins.

Trois autoportraits est un exemple emblĂ©matique de cette technique, avec des rendus saisissants de l’artiste dans des couleurs vives. Bien que les trois autoportraits soient en fin de compte constituĂ©s de la mĂȘme image, chaque rendu (intitulĂ© Nirvana, Vitality et Harmony) prĂ©sente une texture et une couleur uniques, confĂ©rant aux autoportraits leur propre style.

L’introduction par Warhol des techniques de production de masse dans les arts visuels a prĂ©figurĂ© le monde numĂ©rique d’aujourd’hui, oĂč le contenu peut ĂȘtre facilement copiĂ©, tĂ©lĂ©chargĂ© et partagĂ©. Work it, Make it, Do it


Interesting NFTs
Block Chain Dungeon
Once upon a time... a little boy named Leo loved to paint, draw and experiment. He also loved to play with blocks and chains, which drew him again and again into the rooms of his friends Michel and Angelo. Often they also met in virtual rooms of Cryptovoxels, Decentraland, Somnium Space or Sandbox to create new inventions, read books about new technologies, or just swing the brushes. But on this day something gigantic happened. A good friend of Leo came to visit and brought his girlfriend Mona, who wanted a piece of Leo's art on her skin. This was the birth of the NFT's, as Leo developed Non Fungible Tattoos in the Block Chain Dungeon of Michel and Angelo. From that day on people from all over the world came to get NFT's from Leo or one of his students, like "Skeenee the rat", who controls the NFT machine with his laptop. A new age began.
Good morning! I'm Kitty #387526. I'm often referred to as the Jon Snow of the group. My great-great-great-great-great-great grandkitty lived with Amelia Earhart. Let's get busy!
Fidenza #135
Fidenza is by far my most versatile algorithm to date. Although the program stays focused on structured curves and blocks, the varieties of scale, organization, texture, and color usage it can employ create a wide array of generative possibilities. Additional project feature(s) => Scale:Uniform, Turbulence:High, Colors:Luxe, Have Margin:No, Spiral:No, Soft Shapes:No, Super Blocks:No, Collision Check:Anything Goes, Outlined:No, Shape Angles:Curved, Density:Medium
Nirvana No.1
Nirvana No.1 Auction Ends with Lucky 07-07-2021 Good Luck
The River Plate Machine
Digital illustration for the cover of These Football Times magazine in its issue dedicated to the Argentine football team "Club Atlético River Plate". Original from 2020. For this cover I have created a complex machine that links all the generations and legends of the club with its great shield and emblem crowning the center as the heart of the fantasy machinery. Full of details and ornaments this is a highly detailed work. An authentic trip to the history of River through the imagination and the colors of the club. The most significant titles of the club are also included, such as the Libertadores Cup, the famous Intercontinental and the new Super Liga and the Argentine Cup in its newest cup design. If you see a hen, don't be surprised, it is the nickname that its fans give themselves, and they like it. ----- https://javierarres.com/about.html