24 Hours in The City That Never Sleeps

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NYC is a place filled with sensory delights any time of the day. In this work there are four different autonomous state changes representing different times of the day: shining sunrise, bright afternoon, magic hour sunset, and late night escapades.

We live in a world that is constantly shifting every second. Let's take a minute to celebrate the humanity that bonds all of us. 24 Hours in The City That Never Sleeps is a piece about all the people that bring the big city to life. Each Frank has it's own unique story, self-expression, and energy. Each day we cross paths, form new connections, and try to leave our positive mark on the world. Frank is an extension of everyone. Helping others helps everyone. Let's be Frank.

Frank Ape is a mystical creature who lives amongst the humans but without human restrictions. What started as a form of self-expression on the streets of NYC for artist Brandon Sines quickly turned into a movement for the people.

Frank has special powers that he continues to discover as he is tested by the many challenges of life. Frank champions positivity and equality, and cares about all living things. He believes in using imagination and play to inspire other people and animals through thoughtful actions.
Website: Visit
Dates: End actual: 16 Apr 2021
Exit Price: 12,038.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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