A Ride on a Slug’s Back (Stair Slug)

NFT Active
MISHA KAHN (B. 1989)
A Ride on a Slug’s Back (Stair Slug)
Printable 3D model (FBX with vertex colors)
together with an MP4
(00:00:08 seconds, 2048 x 2048 pixels)
Executed in 2021.

This work is unique and is sold as a non-fungible token.

token ID: 25589172339488513184097753251259367849292773157707017705630314479430905364481
wallet address: 0x3892f55253893325771bcebda2aaacdd5c793c4c
smart contract address: 0x495f947276749Ce646f68AC8c248420045cb7b5e
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 18 Aug 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 18 Aug 2021
End actual: 24 Aug 2021
Initial Price : 6,875.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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