animalis polyedae I

The Story

This particular bird was documented by an artist at a time when photography did not exist. This documentation helps to describe a species of animal that may have just been seen for the first time on an expedition. I have transformed parts of its body into a kaleidocycle. A mathematical form that is something like a geometric law. The exciting moment of discovering a species is combined with a rational thought structure.

The Process

My collages are based on historical drawings of animals, either from early scientific expeditions or natural history studies. Using image processing, I transform individual parts of the drawn animal bodies into geometric shapes. In a final step, I combine the original drawing and the polyhedron to create a hybrid new animal.
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 19 Nov 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 19 Nov 2021
Initial Price : 1,326.01 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
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