What's up! My name's Beardsley. I once peed on Amelia Earhart's cat. They had it coming. When no one's home, I invite my pals over and we listen to Frank Sinatra. In time you'll learn how purrfect I am.
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Disintegration #5/50
Back into the void
Candy Girl
Today we are the ones our parents warned us about in the past. Do you remember the colourful PEZ dispensers with the different faces? When we were kids we used to stack candy, and today we stack satoshis because we have a plan B. We stick to this plan because Mahatma Gandhi has already said, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. That is why we are giving the middle finger to the existing system.
No Shock #1/5
A new World where nothing shocks but everything is a mess. Bringing together everything in a mix media piece, re-working forgotten portraits and my contemporary street art to bring a maximal piece to question ourselves. PNG 1860 x 2600.
Little Alien, multicolor edition #25/25
I'm an alien, I'm a little alien, Someone's kitty from other world.
Who will be the most Meowfool of the Meowfoolest?! 6 HaCKittieZ are fighting for the crown of madness! It is time for crowns to change their history: people, this is the crown of insanity we are talking about. So tell us, who is insaner than the insanest of collectors? Only the artists - the creators - would know, while crowning the one who is brave enough to play with the craziest possibilities of Async programmable art, on these 6 HaCKittieZ. Welcome to the feast of fools. HaCKittieZ is a collaboration of Hackatao, CryptoKitties and Async. The 6 KittieZ are a reinterpretation by Hackatao of the CryptoKitties’ classic elements, following their own style and getting inspiration from their own art pieces.
Do Nothing (new variant) #7/15