Best-case Scenario #10/25

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Dates: End actual: 04 Apr 2021
Exit Price: 93,333.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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Other Interesting NFTs
AI Huascaq #3/5
Transdimensional art is a movement of blending online and offline stylesassisted blending and combining different styles of online and offline art. AI Huasca uses a DMT style AI blending over a kaleidoscopic remix of a painting that was "generated" via acrylic paint after an entheogenic trip.
Cyber Vibes
More futuristic space shit. A recursive partitioning algorithm with a twist. Adjust the parameters by taking control of the layers.
Do Nothing (new variant) #7/15
Right Place & Right Time (bitcoin hourly price offset)
Each day, a new composition for the Master is generated autonomously using a data feed of Bitcoin's last 24 hours of price action. Each hour's price programmatically controls rotation, scale, and position of a correlating layer. Astute viewers will surmise the day's price volatility simply by examining the artwork. While the daily image generation is the result of autonomous API calls, utilizing an algorithm the artist wrote, the artist has chosen to retain a control token. This token allows him to fine-tune variables associated with his algorithm, in addition to addressing aesthetic concerns within the life-cycle of the artwork. Layer state, alpha, hue, saturation, and brightness are elements the artist has retained control of in order that this artwork remain a living work-in-progress. An earlier iteration of this artwork was featured as a nightly projection mapping video on the face of the Daniels Fisher Clocktower, as part of ETH Denver 2020. Access to this and additional exclusive content awaits the master token owner at the artist's NFT Portal:
Decentralized Mind
Inspired by "Vitalik Buterin" the inventor of the Ethereum.
The Rare Pearl Moon with Motion
Motion Version Part of my moon series. This super rare pearl moon has just washed ashore on a remote tropical island beach, fining one of these rare Jems is like a total worldly treasure! These moons, only fall to earth once in a few million years! When I found this one I felt the luck that is said to come with this pearl moon.