Cuba or Bust. The first release of my Cuban collection.
In March 2016, Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge, in 1928. I was set to fly on Air Force 2 as part of the President Obama entourage but got a fever of 104 the night before. I went two months later . During President Obama's term in office, Cuba–United States relations thawed after the restrictions that began in December 2014 . President Obama ended a 54-year stretch of hostility between the nations. Many of the changes made in 2015 remain in effect.
The bright cars bounce along uneven streets . Any one who has journeyed on them for any length of time, 30 miles in my case..know that it is quite the ride. It is like being in a trampoline in some parts. The cars seemingly hold together, by a miracle of engineering and technical wizardry yet to be divulged !
I have a Cuban Collection
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