Cuba or Bust

Cuba or Bust. The first release of my Cuban collection.
In March 2016, Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge, in 1928. I was set to fly on Air Force 2 as part of the President Obama entourage but got a fever of 104 the night before. I went two months later . During President Obama's term in office, Cuba–United States relations thawed after the restrictions that began in December 2014 . President Obama ended a 54-year stretch of hostility between the nations. Many of the changes made in 2015 remain in effect.

The bright cars bounce along uneven streets . Any one who has journeyed on them for any length of time, 30 miles in my case..know that it is quite the ride. It is like being in a trampoline in some parts. The cars seemingly hold together, by a miracle of engineering and technical wizardry yet to be divulged !

I have a Cuban Collection
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 08 Jan 2022 - TBA
Dates: Start: 08 Jan 2022
Initial Price : 3,975.85 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
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Starlight Ultra 2020 Sabet #5/7
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Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated)
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José Delbo sent me his striking pencil sketch and powerful inked work, which I then interpreted in oil on canvas. I wanted to create a very painterly piece with obvious brush marks etc, but I was also aiming for a nostalgic feel, a kind of 1980’s superhero comic book look, the kind I grew up with. My goal with this animation was to try to recreate, in part, the creative process that both artists went through with the visual information I had. I was able to showcase my painting process more accurately as I could take photographs of my progress throughout. Consecutive images could then be layered like brush strokes over José’s drawing to create the impression that this was one continuous artwork from pencil, to ink, to completed painting. The representation of the line sketch at the beginning, then pencil/ink and lastly the paint layers being applied demonstrate both artists’ struggle for the right lines, tone, form, and colour until the work is finally completed. As the oil was still wet with each photograph the glare of my studio lights can be seen in the brush strokes. Eventually, the figure emerges and as it does, our hero comes to life, looking directly at the viewer -- but is he grimacing in approval or disgust? We will never know for sure as just before he can say anything, white paint is brushed across the canvas entirely and the process begins again. Only the bat is quick enough to escape.
Crypto Toy Coin
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The King
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My Other Half | Inspired by Minecraft: The Last Minecart (2011)
Almost every year, we capture ourselves in a way that no photo or video is capable of: with a photoscan. If you dig through our archives, you'll find many of them and can see exactly how we change over time. Sam Gorski, Creator | I wanted to find the oldest scan of myself and put him side-by-side with Sam from the present. While it is hard to look at it and not miss the years past, at the same time, this gives me hope for the future by embracing and cherishing the change in my life. How would I have gotten this far without him? About This Piece | Sam on the left was captured in 2014, while Sam on the right was captured last week (2021). This work represents the personal, creative, and emotional journey in all of us, and the hope that ourselves tomorrow may be better than ourselves today.