
Non-fungible Token ERC-721
Token ID: 1
Minted on May 30, 2021, ed. 1/1
Fade is a living timepiece about digital permanence and identity.
Smart Contract Address: 0x62F5418d9Edbc13b7E07A15e095D7228cD9386c5
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 10 June 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 10 June 2021
Initial Price : 100,000.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
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Another Day In Paradise
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Everydays: The First 5000 Days
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Mannequin #1/5
This is xerox (or copyart) work that was originally on an A3 sheet of paper. Probably from 2009. Now it doesn't exists anymore. So someone can say that's really cryptoart. I don't care about tags and art categories. This is also the original title. From my archive, now tokenized forever in this digital form.
Nyan Cat
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Young Vitalik takes on the role of Picasso’s son Paulo dressed as Harlequin in this artwork but the octahedron Ethereum logo replaces the chequered pattern of the original jester outfit. Leaning against a large chair, the boy genius fiddles with his fingers in a somewhat nervous manner; nevertheless, he stares directly at the viewer with what appears to be a confident, ‘Mona Lisa-like’ smile. Vitalik has no idea what the future has in store for him, but he’s prepared to face any obstacle ahead as he begins life's adventure.
The Slabs
The Slabs - Prixel Art Animation "She looks tired and gone in thoughts. Her arm must have cost a fortune. Definitely Sisma Corp but I can't make out the exact model." - Simon Corley, 2084, New Harbor - Music by the amazing Brian Woods. Unlockables: - Endless Random Loop App. (PC/MAC) - HD VIDEO (approx. 2 mins) - Animated GIF - Wallpaper & Print Ready PDF Dimensions: Video [1920x1080] App [Adaptive] I will send a Download Link to the buyer after purchase.