NFT Active
Can you find the hidden Bitcoin? The best treasures are the ones that you spend the most time to find. We may not need to dig on the ground to get Bitcoin but we need to spend a lot of time to study and build the right conviction. Because only when you have gone both high and low to learn the hidden beauty of Bitcoin, that's when you get to see and realize how special Bitcoin is. That's when you find yourself investing and stacking more and more! 4 of 4
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 13 July 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 13 July 2021
End actual: 31 Aug 2021
Initial Price : 3,264,260.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
Other Interesting NFTs
Dreaming at Dusk
More than 15 years ago, Tor onion services were brought to digital life. An ecosystem of onions has been blooming ever since. To commemorate this landmark in the history of privacy, we collaborated with @ixshells to create a one-of-a-kind digital artifact: a generative art piece derived using the private key of the very first onion service, duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion. This auction benefits the Tor Project, the nonprofit protecting your human right to privacy. 1020*1280 / 60fps / .mp4 / RSA1024
Pending Gerbil #10/23
The #PendingGerbil drew his breath nervously. Fail Dropped Dropped and Replaced There were nothing in this world he feared more. He looked at the chords that crossed the abyss in front of him. They were loaded with pending gerbils, clinging for their life. No open space to be seen. The world machine creaked under the load. As the wheel turned and settled on a new block with a load bang, the chords vibrated, and short shrieks were heard as tired paws lost their grip and the gerbils fell into oblivion. #PendingGerbil closed his eyes, sent a short prayer to @VitalikButerin, and took the leap. Written by: @Werekitty1 Pending Gerbil is a very special collaboration with NonFunGerbils (
Beware of the CryptoBots.
Crypto Bubble
Realize what you really want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold. Digital Artwork by Sandro Ieva
Right Place & Right Time (bitcoin hourly price offset)
Each day, a new composition for the Master is generated autonomously using a data feed of Bitcoin's last 24 hours of price action. Each hour's price programmatically controls rotation, scale, and position of a correlating layer. Astute viewers will surmise the day's price volatility simply by examining the artwork. While the daily image generation is the result of autonomous API calls, utilizing an algorithm the artist wrote, the artist has chosen to retain a control token. This token allows him to fine-tune variables associated with his algorithm, in addition to addressing aesthetic concerns within the life-cycle of the artwork. Layer state, alpha, hue, saturation, and brightness are elements the artist has retained control of in order that this artwork remain a living work-in-progress. An earlier iteration of this artwork was featured as a nightly projection mapping video on the face of the Daniels Fisher Clocktower, as part of ETH Denver 2020. Access to this and additional exclusive content awaits the master token owner at the artist's NFT Portal:
Starlight Ultra 2020 Sabet #5/7
Some things are unexplainable. Like the time in 2016 when a new language started to flow through my hands. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but with in days I had become fluent. The love script now permeates my work. Many can feel it's healing energy and others love the way it flows. I have had an amazing time creating these past 20 years or so and Starlight Ultra is the culmination of many of my styles. Feminine energy at it's finest. I love this stuff!