Gangnam Wanted Poster #5/25

NFT Active
3L-84574RD, One of the most dangerous robot in Cryptovoxel, last seen in Gangnam near the Rose Nexus.

Reward 99000credits battery full or empty.

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Dates: End actual: 06 Mar 2021
Exit Price: 129,629.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
Other Interesting NFTs
Auto-Erotic Sphinx with Toys
In this image, a giant sphinx spoons itself in erotic play within an aquatic styled environment littered by various denizens. These creatures include symbols and archetypes both current and nostalgic–each inhabiting a rootedness within mass cultural adolescence. Among the roster are Servbots, video game inspired mushrooms, a Pacman-like creature, a distant sea faring rubber duck, creatures sporting the symbols reminiscent of popular anime, and a Pokemon-like rabbit (a novel incarnation of Ganesha indicated by the Shiva trident on its nose). In addition, a few sea creatures partly inspired by sea monsters of western antiquity conglomerate along the mid left side of the composition. The Sphinx itself is an amalgam of aquatic, fetishist, ancient Egyptian, and 80’s style adornments, both living, as in a clown fish, or material, such as a cassette tape. Nautically colored antennae receive somatic signals from the atmosphere, perhaps from the 8 Ball moon or giant ringed planet beyond.
Do Nothing (new variant) #7/15
Candy Girl
Today we are the ones our parents warned us about in the past. Do you remember the colourful PEZ dispensers with the different faces? When we were kids we used to stack candy, and today we stack satoshis because we have a plan B. We stick to this plan because Mahatma Gandhi has already said, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. That is why we are giving the middle finger to the existing system.
The Cash Tape #13/25
Unsigned Hype! Exclusive, high-quality audio cassette recording of hypnotic affirmations for financial abundance and prosperity.
Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated)
Title: Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated) Artist: iHeart Edition: One of one, unique. Medium: mp4 This unique variation, "Nobody Likes Me - Glitch Original (animated)” is part of an exclusive NFT release on KnowOrigin. in collaboration with Art Rapture. This variation is part of the Genesis NFT Drop of iHeart's iconic work, "Nobody Likes Me." DETAILS: The iconic, "Nobody Likes Me" street art piece by urban legend, iHeart has garnered the hearts, eyes and minds of art fans since 2014. In collaboration with Art Rapture and KnownOrigin., iHeart is dropping his first ever NFT release of several variations of his tour de force image, "Nobody Likes Me." In 2014, this captivating stencil mural, created in Stanley Park, Vancouver, earned iHeart a massive following and ultimately took down the second place price for most popular street art piece in the world (Street Art News article below). To truly understand the scope and reach of this iconic art piece, that symbolizes the impact of social media on our lives every single day, all you need to do is Google, "Nobody Like Me iHeart street art" and see the results. This release of "Nobody Likes Me" NFTs has a variety of 2D still & 2D animated versions ready for collectors to consume all around the world! Happy collecting! iHeart instagram: Street Art News article: Huffington Post article: #loveyourcollection #evolveyourcollection
José Delbo sent me his striking pencil sketch and powerful inked work, which I then interpreted in oil on canvas. I wanted to create a very painterly piece with obvious brush marks etc, but I was also aiming for a nostalgic feel, a kind of 1980’s superhero comic book look, the kind I grew up with. My goal with this animation was to try to recreate, in part, the creative process that both artists went through with the visual information I had. I was able to showcase my painting process more accurately as I could take photographs of my progress throughout. Consecutive images could then be layered like brush strokes over José’s drawing to create the impression that this was one continuous artwork from pencil, to ink, to completed painting. The representation of the line sketch at the beginning, then pencil/ink and lastly the paint layers being applied demonstrate both artists’ struggle for the right lines, tone, form, and colour until the work is finally completed. As the oil was still wet with each photograph the glare of my studio lights can be seen in the brush strokes. Eventually, the figure emerges and as it does, our hero comes to life, looking directly at the viewer -- but is he grimacing in approval or disgust? We will never know for sure as just before he can say anything, white paint is brushed across the canvas entirely and the process begins again. Only the bat is quick enough to escape.