Hidden Level #17/33

I am a survivor of the early experiments in parenting that gave 1980s children broad access to computer games. But the state-of-the-art Amiga 500 machine which we owned at the time bore little resemblance to todays ninth-generation consoles. Blocky on-screen puddles with two white pixels for eyes were abstract monsters - but they appeared alive, I fought battles against them. These games involved a team effort between immature CPU and a childs overclocked imagination which was always there to pick up the slack. The works here are the ghosts disturbed by an archaeological dig into these memories. The scenes are not inspired by any specific game: they are each an ensemble cast of many dusty hand-labelled floppy disks, channeled through a child's eyes then weathered by time. If it is difficult for you to determine if these creatures are fleshy or inorganic, remember their ancestors were stored in mere kilobytes of memory. Excavating these childhood impressions has been an ongoing source of inspiration throughout my practice.
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Initial Price : 1,992.00 USD
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Beautiful Worlds
Welcome to the ‘Beautiful worlds’ where nature and technology have merged into a single entity. These are Ai generated and hand finished visions of solarpunk future in which I would really like our future generations to live and prosper: the future we might have if we took the very “alternative route” which now lies before us: replacing states and corporations which free federations of communities and cooperatives, using decentralist and ecological technologies to create a world beyond economic scarcity and social hierarchy, defined by autonomy, mutual aid, diversity, and inclusiveness. The long-term goals of solarpunk are freedom and well-being for all by adopting and developing such ecological technologies as: solar, wind, wave and geothermal energy rather than oil or gas to generate electricity; a world of decentralized eco-cities, permaculture and vertical farming, free and open-source software, open-source hardware, small-scale fabrication laboratories, micro-manufacturing, 3D-printing, and countless examples of commons-based peer-production online: meeting the maximum amount of needs, in the shortest time, using the minimum possible amount of energy. It’s a world of decentralized and confederated eco-communities, using technology for human-centric and eco-centric ends rather than for accumulating power and profit – mending the metabolic rift between first nature (the natural world) and second nature (human culture) – and where social hierarchies of race, gender, sexuality, and disability are considered horror stories from the past “oil age”. Solarpunk desires societies of polycultural ethnic diversity and gender liberation, where each person is able to actualize themselves in societal environment of free experimentation and communal caring; This philosophy proposes that in order for the social and natural worlds to reconcile, humans must first transform their relations to each other – recreating society along egalitarian, cooperative, and democratic lines – and then transform their relations towards nature – adopting an attitude to cooperation, rather than domination, towards the planet and its nonhuman forms of life. Text by Connor Owens. This artwork took me a year to create and for you it will take a year to discover. Master autonomously updates once a day at 12am with one of 366 original artworks. Enjoy!
Another Day In Paradise
Just as the book speaks to intelligence, the image in all its muteness speaks to the heart.
Rare Kratos
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