Hippocampus: Creativity

The hippocampus is often regarded as a symbol of creativity and hope since it was a benevolent and spiritual creature that helped people. In Greek mythology, hippocampi were sea monsters, similar to aquatic horses: with the head and front legs of a horse but the winding tail of a fish or dolphin. Poseidon, God of the Sea, was carried across the oceans in a chariot pulled by hippocampi, who sometimes took him out of the water. As a mythical creature, it's strongly associated with creativity and imagination. Sailors regarded the hippocampus as a good omen and it was also a symbol of agility and strength.

After working in the startup world for the last 12 years, the news of NFT marketplace MakersPlace's recent Series A raise got me thinking about the world of startups and what it takes for founders to be successful in such a competitive space: Resilience (Phoenix), Strength (Griffin), Imagination (Pegasus), Courage (Winged Lion), Creativity (Hippocampus), Magic (Unicorn in Color), and even Luck (Unicorn in Gold). And then, I realized that those are many of the same attributes of successful artists. So I created a new NFT collection, "Makers of Magic," that embodies what I see as the 7 vital qualities above of creators, artists, startup founders, and makers of all kinds.

Before NFTs, digital art was either free or in a supportive role to facilitate selling products in the business world. We all know it has intrinsic value, yet it can not be manifested without attaching to a business or product. However, the existence of NFT adds the financial layer to digital art. It makes the artistic content immutable digital collectibles, which can protect and help monetize digital creators' work. This digital asset class is empowering creators and revolutionizing how they can create real value from their work. NFT can change my life and other creatives like illustrators, animators, musicians, and even entertainers, to leverage digital collectibles to engage their community authentically, supplement their existing revenue streams, and truly become the makers of magic ✨
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 27 Aug 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 27 Aug 2021
Initial Price : 7,102.76 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
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The Scion
A young figure caught in a moment of distraction, aware only ephemerally of his unconscious being, as it engages in psychological and psychedelic layer spaces. His right arm casually cradles a moray eel; the figure is comfortable but not truly aware of the potentials for danger in such negligence. His shirt reads “Bello” in Pokemon style font, harkening back to a childhood straddling the millennial threshold. To his right side, out of the unconscious deep, shrouded alien heads propagate as a fractal totem, each new iteration a more sophisticated rendering of emotional masking over the cold mystery of the greys. As the scion of the Budgie-Sattva, the young man, in his distraction, is also simultaneously aware of higher levels of self discovery. To his left a psychological topology sets beneath the oracle side of an 8 ball ,hovering; its message a purest concept of acceptance. The “Scion” lettering is in 80’s HeMan style bold declaration. The lower right side of the painting is like a hybrid of melon, feathers, and seeds. The crystals in the background bring light; conducted, refracted, reflected, and dispersed, to balance the dark shadow of the figure’s physical body. The aura of the scion succeeds in layers to point, with a finger, and the crown chakra, toward a center of a mandala existing as nigh pure application of strokes, in essence painterly abstraction, but also revealing hints of the Aura of migraine, and the bi-hemispherical nature of the brain–noting concerns of the possibility of inherited mental disease. Yet the flourish of chakra as it sets against that center is robust, active, coherent, and reveling against all fear. Fundamentally, the piece speaks to the activation of one’s potential to begin to “Know Thyself”, and find greater awareness out of the enigmas of the mind–as an inculcated seed given to the rich soil of one’s own birthright.
#XCOPY #GIF #screen #time #mirror
Ocean Front (Beeple)
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Bloody Monkey
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Decentralized Mind
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