Pending Gerbil #10/23

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The #PendingGerbil drew his breath nervously. Fail Dropped Dropped and Replaced There were nothing in this world he feared more.

He looked at the chords that crossed the abyss in front of him. They were loaded with pending gerbils, clinging for their life. No open space to be seen.

The world machine creaked under the load. As the wheel turned and settled on a new block with a load bang, the chords vibrated, and short shrieks were heard as tired paws lost their grip and the gerbils fell into oblivion.

#PendingGerbil closed his eyes, sent a short prayer to @VitalikButerin, and took the leap. Written by: @Werekitty1

Pending Gerbil is a very special collaboration with NonFunGerbils (
Website: Visit
Dates: End actual: 10 Mar 2021
Exit Price: 103,703.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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