20/08/2021 Bid on Yankee Stadium NFT, VIP package


MLB has partnered with Candy Digital to release unique NFT editions for all 30 MLB teams as part of the MLB Stadium Series, giving fans the chance to bid on digital collectibles featuring artwork of each team’s venue created by renowned digital artist S. Preston, who is known for his minimalist designs.

The Yankee Stadium NFT design incorporates the ballpark’s iconic white facade, which runs across the top of the upper deck and is a homage to the team’s original home.

The Yankees auction, which launched Monday and runs through Thursday at 7 p.m. ET, features a 1-of-1 “Gold Edition” NFT that comes with an exclusive experiential VIP package, including four MVP tickets to a Yankees home game; four gift bags that include a souvenir baseball, hat and program; a private pre-game stadium tour and on-field batting practice viewing experience for four guests and the opportunity for one guest to deliver the game ball to the mound.



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Michael Scott
Hey cutie! I'm Michael Scott. I'm often referred to as the Michael Scott of the group. When no one's home, I invite my pals over and we listen to Michael Bolton. Can't wait to eat apple pie with you!
The Scion
A young figure caught in a moment of distraction, aware only ephemerally of his unconscious being, as it engages in psychological and psychedelic layer spaces. His right arm casually cradles a moray eel; the figure is comfortable but not truly aware of the potentials for danger in such negligence. His shirt reads “Bello” in Pokemon style font, harkening back to a childhood straddling the millennial threshold. To his right side, out of the unconscious deep, shrouded alien heads propagate as a fractal totem, each new iteration a more sophisticated rendering of emotional masking over the cold mystery of the greys. As the scion of the Budgie-Sattva, the young man, in his distraction, is also simultaneously aware of higher levels of self discovery. To his left a psychological topology sets beneath the oracle side of an 8 ball ,hovering; its message a purest concept of acceptance. The “Scion” lettering is in 80’s HeMan style bold declaration. The lower right side of the painting is like a hybrid of melon, feathers, and seeds. The crystals in the background bring light; conducted, refracted, reflected, and dispersed, to balance the dark shadow of the figure’s physical body. The aura of the scion succeeds in layers to point, with a finger, and the crown chakra, toward a center of a mandala existing as nigh pure application of strokes, in essence painterly abstraction, but also revealing hints of the Aura of migraine, and the bi-hemispherical nature of the brain–noting concerns of the possibility of inherited mental disease. Yet the flourish of chakra as it sets against that center is robust, active, coherent, and reveling against all fear. Fundamentally, the piece speaks to the activation of one’s potential to begin to “Know Thyself”, and find greater awareness out of the enigmas of the mind–as an inculcated seed given to the rich soil of one’s own birthright.
By OthersideDeployer
Beware of the CryptoBots.
Bloody Monkey
Artist notes: straight up side ya head + VERY valuable RED CIRCLE!! WOW.!!