22/11/2021 Are NFTs A Scam? Hacker Uploads Every NFT to ‘NFT Bay’ to Prove a Point

are NFTs a scam

Photo Credit: Bored Ape Yacht Club

Are NFTs a scam? One man has created a 20TB repository of NFTs called ‘NFT Bay.’

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are taking the music industry by storm. Several marketplaces have sprung up offering pieces of artwork, golden tickets, and more – all sold as an NFT. But one man questions the idea of NFTs and if buying a digital piece of ablockchainreally proves ownership when anyone can ‘right click’ and save a picture.

Australian Geoffrey Huntley went on the heist of NFTs to download 20TBs of NFTs on theEthereumandSolanablockchains. Huntley told gaming blogKotakuthat the ‘NFT Bay’ (modeled after the infamous Pirate Bay) is an experiment designed to teach the public about what NFTs are and aren’t.

Are NFTs a Scam?

“Fundamentally, I hope people learn to understand what people are buying when purchasing NFT art right now is nothing more than directions on how to access or download an image,” Huntleysays. “The image is not stored on the blockchain and the majority of images I’ve seen are hosted on web 2.0 storage, which is likely to end up as a 404, meaning the NFT has even less value.”

Essentially, owning an NFT tied to artwork is like owning a certificate of authenticity. When the ‘golden ticket’ owners of the NFT sold by Kings of Leon show up for a concert, their status will be verified using that NFT. But skeptics believe non-fungible tokens aren’t capable of being the digital identifiers they claim to be.

Computer scientist Antsstylesays“NFTs are only valuable as tools for money laundering, tax evasion, and greater fool investment fraud. There is zero actual value to NFTs. Their sole purpose is to create artificial scarcity of an artwork to supposedly increase its value.”

That assessment is the core argument to whether NFTs are a scam or not.

If concert organizers are distributing concert tickets using the blockchain and ‘golden ticket’ owners can resell their rights using NFTs – is that useless? It’s already being done for futureKings of Leon concertsand ties a physical experience to the holder of that specific NFT. Those NFTs lose value eventually; Kings of Leon won’t be performing on tour forever.



Interesting NFTs
Michael Jordan - Crown Collection
“All you needed was one little match to start that whole fire.”- Michael Jordan. In regards to both the action on the court and everything that happened off of it, Jordan provided a spark that changed the future in so many different ways throughout his tenure in Chicago, and even decades after the fact. And, in the end, he got everything that he wanted when he began his NBA journey: he turned the team and organization as a whole into a respected program, like the dynasties he looked up to as a child. Having steered the Chicago Bulls to an incredible six championship rings in eight years from 1991-1998, scooping up five MVP awards in the process, Jordan is one of just a handful of superstars who have truly transcended their sports. Jordan and Scottie Pippen’s (right) relationship both on and off the pitch was arguably the foundation of the Bulls’ incredible success. Scottie Pippen was present with Jordan for all six championships in eight seasons. Dennis Rodman (left) His relentless and smart play perfectly suited what Jordan and Jackson wanted to do to take the Bulls to greater heights. Although his exploits off the court earned him special fame, Rodman was unquestionably one of the greatest basketball players of his generation and one of the finest defensive players in the history of the game.
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