21/04/2022 Deadfellaz NFT Project Signs With UTA

As web3 products become more popular among mainstream audiences, brands like Deadfellaz have found new ways to provide their users with a better experience. For example, this brand recently signed an exclusive representation deal which includes things such as merchandise and gaming partnerships.

Launched last summer, the creators by “Betty” and “Psych,” Deadfellaz followed the course of other large projects launching a collection of 10,000 zombie-themed NFTs minted on the Ethereum blockchain.

“Betty and Psych are true visionaries and leaders, and we’re looking forward to all the ways we can work with them to bring value to the Deadfellaz community and make the metaverse a more equitable space,” Lesley Silverman, head of Web3 at UTA,toldThe Hollywood Reporter.

Since the launch of their first collection Deadfellaz has generated over $82 million in sales. Today the average price on OpenSea, a reputable NFT trading platform, is 2.46 ether (around $7,600).

Official Deadfellaz NFT Links



About DeadFellaz NFT

DeadFellaz is an Ethereum-based collection of 10,000 NFTs (ERC-721s) launched in August 2021. The co-founders are Betty, a co-director at a creative production agency and Psych, the lead artist for the collection. Maddy Kenyon is the 3D lead artist on DeadFellaz and was listed by

The collection features over 300 randomly generated traits and attributes including mouth, eyes, head, and body grades.

Much of the project’s popularity stems from the team’s activity and pursuit of ambitious milestones, as well as a variety of celebrity DeadFellaz holders.



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