
NFT Active
"Archipel", digital drawing, 120x150cm, 2021.

All the parts of this drawing are animated.

This NFT includes :
-An animated (6 sec) video file (2500x3110px), plus a HD Gif file
-a 2:30 additional video with zoom
-a HD file of the original drawing (120x150 cm 300 dpi)
-the love and eternal appreciation from the artist :)

"I create forms and ideas but I am not responsible for them. I only channel them..."

See more details about this artwork on my Instagram @dmt_vision !
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 02 June 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 02 June 2021
End actual: 03 June 2021
Exit Price: 1,605.13 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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