CryptoPunk #1190

NFT Active
The CryptoPunks are 10,000 uniquely generated characters. No two are exactly alike, and each one of them can be officially owned by a single person on the Ethereum blockchain. Originally, they could be claimed for free by anybody with an Ethereum wallet, but all 10,000 were quickly claimed. Now they must be purchased from someone via the marketplace that's also embedded in the blockchain.
Website: Visit
NFT Time: 23 June 2021 - TBA
Dates: Start: 23 June 2021
End actual: 18 May 2021
Exit Price: 1,402,380.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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A gothic artpiece glorifying the worst of feelings , materialized by an ornate skull and dark mandalas
No Future #15/15
The Harvest
An anthropomorphic figure stands, wide eyed, staring at the viewer; its body masculine, muscular, and humanoid. Its “mind” dissociates into a conglomerate of structures resembling feathers, grain, teeth–as well as a radial flower “node”, casting linear rays throughout the composition. To his left, a vat of bodies gesture and writhe in a kind of amniotic soup, attended by a video game robot. The bot's red display reads “uWu”. Behind the robot and filling the left side of the composition is an archaic figure composed of a variety of vintage objects and symbols. Among them are a hardbound book with ancient cuneiform scripts, indicating barley, beer, bread, ox, house, and sky, behind which is a grimacing, salivating jagged toothed maw; and an old Commodore floppy drive. The figure’s head tilts toward an illuminated crescent moon, suggesting the Egyptian Sacred Bull. The archaic figure is composed of a variety of mutating cells, which shift in color, and pattern; eventually breaking free into an ephemeral broadcast of bubbles which move across the background. The work came into being against a psychological introspection, which included associations to pop culture such as alien abduction and pod people, as well as quite a bit of reflection on grains as a symbol of civilization, agriculture, sustenance, life, and imbibing (mainly whiskies).
Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat is the name of an animation uploaded on April 2 2011, and became a viral internet sensation. The design of Nyan Cat was inspired by my cat Marty, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge but lives on in spirit. I am the original artist behind the iconic GIF and have remastered the image for its 10 year anniversary. Owning this piece grants the following stats: Charisma +10 Luck +10 Happiness +15 ________________ 1400x1400 - 12 Frames
Another Day In Paradise
Just as the book speaks to intelligence, the image in all its muteness speaks to the heart.
Starlight Ultra 2020 Sabet #5/7
Some things are unexplainable. Like the time in 2016 when a new language started to flow through my hands. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but with in days I had become fluent. The love script now permeates my work. Many can feel it's healing energy and others love the way it flows. I have had an amazing time creating these past 20 years or so and Starlight Ultra is the culmination of many of my styles. Feminine energy at it's finest. I love this stuff!