FACES #1459/4934

Presenting the last open editions SSX3LAU will ever mint. Slimesunday and 3LAU team up once again under their alias SSX3LAU for their triumphant return to Nifty Gateway for their first exploration of color and their last open editions ever! The Iridescent collection consists of 4 audio / visual pieces combining unreleased music from 3LAU and Slimesunday's mesmerizing animation.
Website: Visit
Initial Price : 333.00 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
NFT List
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Stay Free (Edward Snowden, 2021)
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Tile [7, 13] - The Notch
7 13
"I'm not smart enough to be an astronaut." That is what 7 year old Rayden told Micah the first time they met. How can a 7-year-old already feel limitations on his dreams? For centuries, the black community has been the target of a system designed to limit their power, their earning potential, their dreams. Now is your opportunity to help destroy the system. For the next 11 years, on each brother's birthday, (Rayden, Aug. 10/ Jacque Nov. 6), you the viewer, will be able to directly contribute Bitcoin to a wallet that will be given to each child upon turning 18. In what is one of the most powerful use cases for Bitcoin, 100% of your contributions and earnings will open all new doors for these special young men.