As a pup in Mewhary, Mooner was a technological prodigy, experimenting with aerodynamics, rocket propulsion, and exoskeleton craftsmanship before he knew what the moon was. But when he found out that it was a floating destination in the sky just waiting for his explanation, being its next visitor became his obsession. But Mooner learned that some aspirations are too lofty to conquer on your own. One day, a teenage Kasmoso believed he had created a rocket that could get him to the moon. He hopped inside, press "GO," and found himself blasting through the sky…then nosediving back to earth just as quickly. As the ground grew closer, his entire life flashed before his eyes: a life without a visit to the moon. All was lost. Death was seconds away. And then he came to a gradual stop and was set gently on the ground by a landing platform developed and operated by Zolten, the region of Mohary's top engineer. The two formed an instant respect and friendship, and their collaboration has led to Mooner not only making it to the moon, but building a second home there, then traveling beyond the planets. Few have a knowledge or passion for the universe like Mooner, nor does anyone else possess Zolten's knack for crafting the most effective exoskeletons for Mooner's fighting style. The combination make for a deadly force against the Centralized and their interplanetary fleet.
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