Rare G1 Selkirk !

Sup playa! I'm Rare G1 Selkirk !. I believe the world is flat. When no one's home, I invite my pals over and we listen to Coldplay. In time you'll learn how purrfect I am.
Website: Visit
Initial Price : 344.03 USD
Exit Price: 344.03 USD
Lots to sell: 1
Lots sold: 1
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No Favour (cold) #17/25
No Favour for you. Cold variation.
Christmas Sleigh
First Christmas-themed Visual Toy. For this work the artist has created a fantastic sleigh, ornamented in detail and with all the Christmas spirit that transports us to childhood, illusion, innocence. With its gift wrapping machinery, its Santa, a snow globe, the nutcracker, the European-style village and its soundtrack (first time with music) it is a whole Christmas mosaic for the imagination.
No Future #5/15
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Really Remote Working Part 2
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