08/07/2024 Ubisoft will add NFTs into Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles

Shot from Champions Tactics' YouTube trailer.

Ubisoft has announced a new partnership with doublejump.tokyo for its upcoming NFT RPG,Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles, doubling down withimplementing NFTs in gaming, despiteNFTs being an obvious market failure. This marks a continuation of its'Quartz' NFT initiative established in 2021.

The new development from Ubisoft isn't too surprising. Back in November 2023, Ubisoft partnered with Immutable, another NFT-focused gaming company with a lineup of three existing NFT games. Since those games are all built around NFT ownership, it stands to reason that Ubisoft's planned games are Immutable and now Doublejump. Tokyo will also be centralized around NFT ownership.

This leaves Ubisoft's own NFT initiative, dubbed Quartz when it was announced in December 2021, in a strange place. Ubisoft claimed that Quartz remained active as underlying infrastructure at the time, but these partnerships would lead one to believe Ubisoft is instead leaning on Web3 partners for these needs.

At least, it would seem thatChampions Tacticswill be built upon doublejump.tokyo's backend rather than Ubisoft's.

Champions Tactics - Alpha Gameplay Trailer - YouTubeChampions Tactics - Alpha Gameplay Trailer - YouTube
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Champions Tacticscertainly...looks like a video game. If you've played any Free To Play card game for mobile devices or PC in the past five years, you've basically already played this.

The provided gameplay trailer gives no information whatsoever on how NFTs are implemented within Champions Tactics, though presumably, Ubisoft's reported partnership with "double jump. Tokyo" will allow them to properly implement the blockchain in its most wasteful form into an RPG. Maybe the advertised "thousands of unique heroes" will correspond to NFTs.

In any case, tracing this story back to aJune 3 doublejump.tokyo postreveals a bit more information, as well as a few official website, trailer, and Discord links. The most pertinent piece of information is thatChampions Tacticswill be using the "HOME Verse" blockchain, which is run by doublejump.tokyo, and certified by Oasys. Doublejump.tokyo is also partnered with the likes of Square, Bandai Namco, and Sega fortheirNFT gaming projects, none of which have experienced success.



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By C352B5
The Harvest
An anthropomorphic figure stands, wide eyed, staring at the viewer; its body masculine, muscular, and humanoid. Its “mind” dissociates into a conglomerate of structures resembling feathers, grain, teeth–as well as a radial flower “node”, casting linear rays throughout the composition. To his left, a vat of bodies gesture and writhe in a kind of amniotic soup, attended by a video game robot. The bot's red display reads “uWu”. Behind the robot and filling the left side of the composition is an archaic figure composed of a variety of vintage objects and symbols. Among them are a hardbound book with ancient cuneiform scripts, indicating barley, beer, bread, ox, house, and sky, behind which is a grimacing, salivating jagged toothed maw; and an old Commodore floppy drive. The figure’s head tilts toward an illuminated crescent moon, suggesting the Egyptian Sacred Bull. The archaic figure is composed of a variety of mutating cells, which shift in color, and pattern; eventually breaking free into an ephemeral broadcast of bubbles which move across the background. The work came into being against a psychological introspection, which included associations to pop culture such as alien abduction and pod people, as well as quite a bit of reflection on grains as a symbol of civilization, agriculture, sustenance, life, and imbibing (mainly whiskies).
*hissing noises*! I'm Kitty #449914. I'm often referred to as the Homer Simpson of the group. It wasn't heavily publicized, but I once had a brief relationship with Hobbes. I hope you like kitten around as much as I do!